Decompression Traction is a NON-SURGICAL TREATMENT for back and neck pain to help in the management of serious low back/leg and neck/arm pain. Virtually all patients report the decompression traction treatment is painless and often very relaxing. If you are experiencing neck, back or radiating pain, you should seriously consider this treatment.
DTS treatment is recommended for bulging and herniated discs, degenerative discs, facet syndrome, sciatica and headaches. We examine all of our patients to determine whether or not their pain is suitable for DTS treatment. The DTS procedure is designed to keep the patient comfortable throughout the procedure, allowing for multiple body positions. DTS is safe, pain free and a relaxing NON-SURGICAL TREATMENT
for many of our patients.
Walch Chiropractic Center PC
7713 Parkway Dr, Leeds, AL 35094